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AI again made a mistake! Asking obscene things to an elderly woman, you will feel ashamed after reading the message

AI has gone wrong once again. Where Apple’s voice-to-text feature wrongly transcribed an elderly woman’s voice mail and made it an obscene message. Along with obscene questions, abuses are also included in this message. The woman was shocked to read it. Let us tell you that Apple is constantly struggling with AI features. After this latest case came to light, the company once again came into controversy.

AI asked obscene things to an elderly woman

Actually this whole matter is of Dunfermline, Scotland. Where a 66-year-old Louise Littlejohn lives. The elderly woman received a voice mail from Lookers Land Rover garage in Motherwell. Let us tell you that some time ago she had bought a car from this garage. After which she was now being invited to an event. But when Apple’s AI converted this voice mail into text, abuses and very inappropriate questions were added to it. Apple’s AI tool wrote abuses for Littlejohn. Also asked questions about her sex life.

Initially, Littlejohn thought that this was a scam message. But when she saw the zip code in the message, she understood that this message had come from the same garage.

Woman’s reaction

When Littlejohn read this message, she was stunned. However, later she also saw it from a funny perspective. She said, “The garage people were trying to sell the car. But unknowingly they sent me such a message. Which they would not have even imagined. This is not their fault but a glitch of Apple’s AI.”

Apple’s continuous difficulties with AI feature
Let us tell you that this is not the first time that Apple’s AI feature has created controversy. Recently, many users complained that when they spoke certain words in their iPhone, the AI ​​transcribed it incorrectly. In one case, when someone said the word “Racist”, the AI ​​wrote it as “Trump”. Apart from this, in January, Apple had to shut down its AI-generated news summary feature because it was sending false and misleading information.