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Uttarakhand: Government started thinking on the demand of forest guards, big decisions can be taken soon

The demands of the forest guards have been under consideration for a long time in the Uttarakhand Forest Department. After this, a proposal related to this has also been sent to the government from the level of the Forest Headquarters. The good news is that now the government has tried to reach a final decision by contemplating on those demands. In this episode, Principal Secretary Forest RK Sudhanshu has also taken detailed information about this entire episode while talking to the officials. Along with this, showing a positive attitude in some cases, instructions have also been given to take further action on them.

There is a demand for relaxation regarding the promotion of forest guards as deputy ranger. The forest guards are demanding that till now 8 years of service has been made mandatory for promotion. But despite many posts being vacant on the post of deputy ranger, no one is getting promoted. This is because there is no presence of forest guards who have completed 8 years of service in the department. In such a situation, a demand has been made to the department to relax this rule and reduce it from 8 years to 5 years for promotion.

In this case, the Uttarakhand government has also decided to give relaxation to the employees. In such a situation, the cabinet decision will be studied on how the forest guards will come under this decision. Apart from this, the proposal to make the mandatory educational qualification for the recruitment of forest guards from 12th to graduation is also under consideration in the government. However, there is a positive attitude towards the demand on this and consensus seems to be emerging on it. Not only this, brainstorming is also going on to give assistance of 15 lakhs in case of death of forest personnel during duty.

On the other hand, the employees of the forest department may soon get good news regarding HRA (House Rent Allowance). Actually, the employees living in the forest posts in the forest department are not getting house allowance. Which the forest workers were demanding for a long time. In such a situation, final approval is expected on this soon.