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Uttarakhand: Women Holiyaars of Koli Dhek will sing Holi songs at the Chief Minister’s residence, Geeta Dhami invited them

The women’s Holi team of the famous Koli Dhek of Lohaghat region will go to the Chief Minister’s residence this year and sing Holi. Geeta Dhami, wife of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami herself, has invited the Holi team to sing Holi at the Chief Minister’s residence.

Women Holiyaar of Koli Dhek will sing Holi at the Chief Minister’s residence

Alka Dhek, coordinator of the Holi team, while giving information, said that the women’s Holi team of Koli Dhek will leave for Dehradun on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Holi team will sing Holi at the Chief Minister’s residence.

Women spread magic in the block development office

Let us tell you that the team had organized a Holi Milan program on the instructions of Block Development Officer Ashok in the Block Development Office of Lohaghat on Monday. Which was inaugurated by Block Administrator Neha Dhek. In the program, under the leadership of Alka Dhek, the women of Koli Dhek and Patan sang one better than the other Holi and Jhordo.

Block Administrator gave incentive amount of 50 thousand

To encourage the women Holiyaar in the program, Block Administrator Neha Dhek herself sang Holi along with the women Holiyaar. She said that the women of Koli Dhek are working to take our culture forward. The Block Administrator gave an amount of 50 thousand as an incentive to the team to take the culture of the region forward.

Block Administrator praised the team

Block Administrator Neha Dhek said that she is happy that the women are working to take the culture of Kali Kumaon forward by singing Holi in the Chief Minister’s residence. It is known that the women Holi team of Koli Dhek is the best team of Kali Kumaon. Seeing these women, women in other villages are also coming forward to sing Holi.