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Back Pain: Do not ignore back pain, this could be the big reason behind it



Most of us must have gone through the problem of back pain at least once. Sometimes this pain is mild and gets cured on its own. But if this pain persists for a long time, then it is not right to ignore it.

According to the information, about 90% of the people ignore back pain considering it to be mild. Whereas it can be a serious matter related to bones and nerves. Therefore, it is important to understand why back pain occurs. What can be the reasons behind it (Back Pain Reason). Let’s know in this article today.

Back Pain Reason- Muscle strain
If you lift heavy items or bend suddenly, then there is pressure on the muscles around your spine. Repeatedly doing this can cause muscle cramps. Due to which pain can persist continuously.

Disc problem

Our spine has small bones (vertebrae). Between which there is a disc which works to absorb shocks. But when these discs burst or slip from their place, there is pressure on the nerves. Which causes severe pain. This condition is called sciatica.

Scoliosis i.e. curvature of the spine

In some people, the spine bends abnormally to one side, which is called scoliosis. This problem can emerge after middle age and it is often painful.


Osteoarthritis is also a major cause of back pain. This problem occurs when the cartilage of the joints of the spine starts to wear out. This condition can also take the form of spinal stenosis. In which the spinal cord space becomes narrow and pressure starts to be exerted on the nerves.

Osteoporosis (weakening of bones)

  • If your bones are getting weak. So this increases the risk of compression fractures. In this, small fractures can occur in the spine. Which are extremely painful.
  • How to get relief from back pain? (Back Pain Treament)
    If back pain persists for a long time, then some special measures can be taken to cure it:-
  • Take therapy-If the pain is bothering you a lot, then acupuncture or Shiatsu therapy can provide relief. This is a type of finger pressure therapy, in which pain is reduced by applying pressure on special points of the body.
  • Adopt the right lifestyle- Back pain can be prevented by a good lifestyle. It is important to bend correctly in everyday tasks and avoid lifting heavy items.
  • Do exercise- Light exercise can strengthen the muscles of the waist. Yoga also proves helpful in this.
  • Avoid sudden jerks- Do not do any heavy work quickly and keep your body in the right posture, so that there is no pressure on the back.

Disclaimer: This information is given only for awareness. Be sure to consult a doctor in case of any problem.