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The father kept watching the adventure of the son, and the live death was recorded in the camera, this video will give you goosebumps

There is no dearth of adventure-loving people in this world and such people often take time out from their busy schedules and go for adventure at one place or the other. Adventure lovers often like to do feats like climbing high mountains, trekking, jumping from a height, stunting in the air and diving in the water, but many times accidents happen due to slight carelessness during such adventures. Are. In this series, a shocking video on social media is fast attracting the attention of people, in which a child has to pay a heavy price for doing adventure, because six years in the affair of adventure. A child falls down from a height of 40 feet.

This heart-wrenching video is being told of a park in Monterrey, Mexico, but it has not been informed about the condition of the child after the fall. However, it can be inferred that after falling from a height of 40 feet, the condition of the child will be serious.

In the video going viral, it can be seen that he is enjoying a zip line adventure with a man. Seeing the person who is with her, it seems that he is the father of the child. During this adventure, he is visible behind the child, but after some time suddenly the rope tied to the child’s body breaks and the child falls down. It is being told that the height of the zip line was about 40 feet. Surely after watching this video one will be forced to think again and again before doing such an adventure.