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First press conference of AI Robots

AI itself has rejected the concern that experts around the world are expressing about Artificial Intelligence. AI robots have said that they will not rebel against their creators i.e. humans or take away their jobs, but will work together with them to make the world a better place. AI robots said this in a press conference with humans.

For the first time, a press conference of the world’s smartest robots took place in Geneva, Switzerland. All these were robots operated by artificial intelligence. In this, 51 robots came with about three thousand experts. The robots answered questions on a wide range of topics and at times surprised those present at the press conference with their non-responsive facial expressions.

A robot named Sophia said in response to a question – We can run the world better than humans. We don’t have emotions like humans, so we can take all decisions firmly based on facts. Robots have also admitted that they have not yet been able to get hold of human emotions properly. Robot Aida, created to work on people’s health and biotechnology, said – We can increase the age of human beings from 150 to 180 years. People are still not aware of this.

The purpose of the conference in which this press conference took place was to consider the use of robots to solve issues such as climate change, hunger and social care. On the question of rebellion against humans, a robot said- I don’t know why you think so. My makers have always treated me well. I am happy with it. I will work together with people, there will be no threat to their jobs because of me.

On the question of making laws to control AI, a robot said – I agree with this. We need to be cautious about the progress in the field of AI in the future. This should be discussed worldwide. A second robot dismissed the dangers of AI outright. He said- I think AI needs to be given opportunities, not restrictions. Together we can give the world a better future.