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People were worshiping the stones considering them as ‘family gods’, it turned out that they are dinosaur eggs.

In many areas of India, along with gods and goddesses, folk deities are also worshipped. People believe that these folk gods protect their land, animals etc. Many times these folk deities do not have any idols, just some stones, which are worshipped. Same thing was happening in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh. Recently some scientists reached Dhar and examined these stones. Then it was revealed that the ‘kuldevta’ were dinosaur eggs!

Vesta Mandloi, resident of Padalya village of Dhar, used to worship some round stones considering them as their family deity ‘Kakad Bhairav’. Kakar means land or field. This belief was prevalent in Vesta for many generations. Vesta’s family believed that these ‘gods’ protected their fields, barns and animals. Apart from Vesta, many other people of the area also found similar ball-shaped stones during excavation, which were used for worship.

Where did dinosaurs enter the story?
Some scientists from Lucknow’s Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences had recently reached Dhar. Where the team came to know about these stones. When the team examined the stones, it was found that these were dinosaur eggs, which had become fossils. Experts have guessed that these eggs belong to a species of dinosaur named Titanosaurus.

Once upon a time, many dinosaurs lived here
Dinosaurs used to live in good numbers in the areas around the Narmada Valley of Madhya Pradesh. The country’s Jurassic Park is in Dhar itself. It is known as Dinosaur Fossil National Park. In January this year, 256 dinosaur eggs were found in Dhar. The size of these eggs ranged from 15 to 17 centimeters.