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Uttar Pradesh / Agra: After torturing and killing her husband, the wife said – ‘No regrets… had made life hell’

Fed up with her husband’s harassment in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, wife Preeti killed her husband Neeraj by electrocuting her. During police interrogation, she told that she had no regrets for killing her husband. Husband had made life hell. Was suffering for many years. The husband beat me again at night. After tying his hands and legs at night, he was electrocuted. Now she doesn’t know what will happen to the children. But, if she had not killed her husband, he would have killed her one day or the other.

According to Sadar police station in-charge Inspector Pradeep Kumar, Preeti told that her husband was a vendor. He did not come home till late at night. Whenever she asked on phone, he started abusing. When he refused to drink alcohol, he would beat him mercilessly. Came home after midnight on Sunday night. The daughters were sleeping. When he asked why he had come drunk, he started beating him.

After this he slept on the cot. In anger she tied her husband’s hands and feet. Electrical wires were tied to both the husband’s legs. After this, the current was switched on by inserting the plug into the switch. When the wire was removed after 10 minutes, the husband was dead. Kept sitting in the room, could not sleep the whole night. When the children woke up, the police reached the post.

When the police came, the neighbors came to know

The house where Neeraj lived is three storeyed. Many families live on rent. There was daily fighting between the couple. That’s why no one paid attention to the screams. When the police arrived on Monday morning, people came to know about the incident. The tenants told the police that Preeti had left the room after locking the gate. He also chanted Ram-Ram. But then it did not seem that anything had happened in the house. The information came only after the police arrived.

What will happen to the daughters now?

On receiving information, Neeraj and Preeti’s family members came. The family members of both said that there used to be fights between husband and wife, but no one had thought that something like this would happen. Now what will happen to Neeraj’s two daughters? The family members were worried about this. One daughter is older than five years, while the other is younger.

Husband slits wife’s throat for protesting against drinking alcohol

In the city, fights between husbands and wives reach the police station every day. Earlier in Etmaddaula area the husband had murdered his wife. The wife was against drinking alcohol. There were daily fights regarding this. The husband, in anger, slit the throat of his sleeping wife and severed her head. After this, the head was kept in a box and brought to Hariparvat intersection. Wanted to show people. But, he was caught.

Not only the person but also the relationships become sick

Director of Mental Health Institute, Dr. Dinesh Rathore said that husband and wife live together in a relationship. But many times these relationships start deteriorating due to lack of communication, nuclear family, lack of well-wishers. First there is difference of opinion. Later, differences of mind begin to occur. Stress increases due to unhealthy relationships. But due to it being considered a social evil, both of them have to live together even if they do not want to.

In such situations, many times instead of separating, illegal steps are taken. Such people should get counselling. Psycho social OPD is run in the mental health institute. In this, the problems arising in relationships are worked upon. Not only the sick person but also the sick relationship is treated.