For the first time after Vietnam, Israel caused the biggest destruction, raining 2000 pound bombs in Gaza, 20 thousand deaths

The air and ground operations being carried out by the Israeli army in Gaza have left behind the devastation of wars in recent decades. Israel’s bombing of Gaza is taking this fight closer to the Vietnam War. Israel has dropped hundreds of 2,000-pound bombs on Gaza, use on a scale not seen since Vietnam. After 50 years the world is witnessing a bombing at a place like this. At the same time, this war has proved to be horrific in terms of deaths, such a number of deaths have not occurred in any war in recent years.
CNN and artificial intelligence company Synthetic have jointly prepared a report on the Gaza war. This report says that Israel dropped hundreds of big bombs in the first month of the war in Gaza. Many of them were capable of hitting people at a distance of more than 1,000 feet. Satellite imagery from the early days of the war shows more than 500 craters measuring 40 feet across, caused by 2,000-pound bombs. These are four times more dangerous than the largest bombs dropped by the US on ISIS during the war in Mosul, Iraq. The US dropped a 2,000-pound bomb only once during its fight against ISIS. It fell on Raqqa, the self-proclaimed capital of the so-called Caliphate in Syria.
2,000 pound bomb causes devastation
Weapons and warfare experts blame the increased deaths on the widespread use of heavy weapons such as 2,000-pound bombs. Gaza is very dense, so the use of such heavy weapons has a greater impact. John Chappell, a legal expert at the D.C.-based group CIVIC, said the use of 2,000-pound bombs in a densely populated area like Gaza means it will take decades for people there to recover.
The international community has put a lot of pressure on Israel regarding the large-scale destruction in Gaza. Even its staunch ally American President Biden asked to avoid indiscriminate bombing. Israeli officials have argued that its heavy weapons are necessary to eliminate Hamas. Hamas relies on a vast tunnel network. Israel in Gaza argues that the heavy weapons act as bunker busters, helping to destroy Hamas’ underground infrastructure.
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These bombs are used very rarely
Contrary to Israel’s claims, experts say the 2,000-pound bombs are rarely used by Western armies. At the same time, they have a worse impact on densely populated areas like Gaza. International humanitarian law also prohibits such indiscriminate bombing. Mark Garlasco, a former US defense intelligence analyst and former UN war crimes investigator, says Israel’s first month of bombing in Gaza was the kind of bombing not seen since the Vietnam War. To compare the bombing of Gaza, Garlasco said, you have to go back to the Vietnam War. Even in both Iraq wars it was not bombed on such a large scale.
American AI company Synthetix used Rapid Automated Image Classification (RAIC) to detect craters, smoke plumes and damaged buildings in satellite imagery over the Gaza Strip, CNN reported. Satellite imagery and video shows Israel’s military operation has caused devastation in many parts of the besieged area. “In two months, we found the same level of attacks in this small area of Gaza as we saw in Mosul and Raqqa,” said Larry Lewis, formerly research director at the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA).
Nearly half the bombs were fired without a target
According to CNN, last week it learned from American intelligence sources that out of the 29,000 air-to-surface weapons dropped on Gaza so far, 40-45% were silent bombs, i.e. unguided weapons. Which can pose a great threat to citizens, especially in densely populated areas, causing havoc. Some of these are likely to be 2,000-pound bombs detected in satellite imaging of the crater.
Israel has a large stockpile of large bombs, known as the MK-84. America has also given more than 5,400 MK-84 to Israel after October 7. According to satellite imagery, the two craters left after the attack were 79 feet and 43 feet wide. CNN also found a video showing several buildings being razed to the ground by the 2,000-pound attack. Which shows their horror.