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Fire broke out in Tehran’s Gandhi Hospital

A report said that a massive fire broke out in Gandhi Hospital in Tehran, the capital of Iran. Sputnik news agency has shared a video

The Deputy Health Minister reportedly said that 80 patients were evacuated from Gandhi Hospital. Meanwhile, the spokesperson of Iran’s Health Ministry has claimed that no one has been injured.

Health ministry spokesman Pedram Pak-ayin was quoted by state media as saying that “no staff or patients” at Gandhi Hospital were harmed.

The cause of the fire has not been known yet. However, “initial reports indicate that the fire mainly affected the exterior of the hospital building,” Malecki told state TV.

State TV said the area around Gandhi Hospital in northern Tehran had been cordoned off and the hospital was being evacuated.

Tehran Fire Department spokesman Jalal Malaki said the fire broke out at 1900 local time (1530 GMT) and firefighters had been dispatched to the area, Reuters reported.

According to information received from the website of Gandhi Hospital, this complex has 100 beds, 17 operating rooms and 100 residential suites. “No precise information has been released about the number of patients and other people inside the hospital at the time of the fire,” Iran International reported.

In August, a fire broke out in Tehran’s Grand Bazaar, damaging several shops but causing no injuries.

In June 2020, at least 19 people were killed in a powerful explosion caused by a fire in gas canisters at a clinic in northern Tehran.

In January 2017, a fire at the 15-story Plasco shopping center in Tehran killed at least 22 people, including 16 firefighters.