Uttarakhand: Health department alert regarding heat wave, instructions to conduct death audit, take these precautions

In view of the continuously increasing heat in Uttarakhand, the health department has become alert regarding heat wave. Death audit of deaths due to heat wave related diseases will be conducted. The hospital will send its report to the Health Directorate.
On Monday, Health Secretary Dr. R Rajesh Kumar issued a heat wave alert and gave instructions to all the District Magistrates and Chief Medical Officers if the heat increases in the coming days. Asked to provide adequate quantity of medicines, IV fluids, ice packs, ORS solutions in all hospitals.
Health Secretary said, regular training will be given to medical officers for early identification and monitoring of symptoms of heat wave related diseases. He gave instructions for availability of cold drinking water in all hospitals. Apart from this, he was asked to make arrangements for rain water harvesting and water recycling in hospitals.
Information will have to be given daily on IHIP portal
Health Secretary said, deaths due to heat related diseases will have to be reported to the Health Directorate. Information about patients from the district level will also have to be uploaded daily on the IHIP portal.
Keep yourself hydrated regularly
Health Secretary said, heat wave can also be fatal. There is a need to take precautions for this. Due to heat, symptoms like extreme fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, body cramps, fast heartbeat etc. start appearing. For this, it is important to drink plenty of water, keep drinking water even if you are not thirsty. Wear light colored clothes and cover your head before going out in the sun.
What not to do in summer
- Consume high protein foods in limited quantities.
- Avoid eating stale food, eat clean and pure foods.
- Do not leave the house unless necessary in the afternoon.