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Severe heat wreaks havoc in Pakistan, 450 people died due to heat stroke in Karachi

India’s neighboring country Pakistan is experiencing severe heat. Many people are dying in this heat. According to information received in a report by Pakistan’s NGO Edhi Foundation, at least 450 people have died in the last four days due to heat wave in Karachi.

Most of the bodies are of homeless and drug addicts

According to Edhi, most of the bodies are of homeless people and drug addicts on the streets. He said that the scorching heat has overpowered them because these people spend their entire day in the open and in the sun. On Tuesday, 135 bodies were found in the morgue and 128 were found on Monday. Most of the bodies have not been identified.

Drug use

A doctor on duty at Karachi’s Jinnah Hospital said that this number is increasing every day. It is believed that the family members of the people who died due to drug abuse and heat waves are not accepting them.