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Sumit first won silver in the National Games netball, then took oath as councillor, got huge applause

The Uttarakhand team has won the silver medal in the men’s category of the netball competition of the 38th National Games. One of the players who performed excellently was Sumit Bisht, who won the councilor election from ward number 31. February 7 was a very special day for Sumit Bisht, because on that day he had to take oath as a councilor, but he chose the sports ground to make the Uttarakhand team win the netball competition. In such a situation, today on February 15, he has taken oath as a councilor.

Councilor Sumit Bisht said that he will inspire the youth of the area for sports and will also work with full commitment to solve the problems of the ward. He said that sports is not only a means of physical and mental development, but it also enhances discipline, dedication and leadership ability. My effort will be that the youth of our ward are attracted to sports, so that they can hone their talent.

It is worth noting that on the day of the swearing-in ceremony, when the mayor and other councilors took the oath of office and secrecy, Sumit Bisht was busy in the National Games. He was playing from the Uttarakhand team in the National Netball Competition held in Dehradun. The Uttarakhand team had won the silver medal in the netball competition. After returning from the competition, today on 15 February, an oath taking ceremony was organized for Sumit Bisht in the office of Municipal Corporation Srinagar. Mayor Aarti Bhandari administered the oath of office and secrecy to him.

Mayor of Municipal Corporation Srinagar Aarti Bhandari praised Sumit Bisht’s dedication towards social service and sports and said that it is a matter of pride for the Municipal Corporation that we have got young and talented councilors like Sumit Bisht. She said that his dedication towards social service and sports will definitely inspire other youth as well.