Uttarakhand : Demand for recruitment to the vacant posts of backlog from BJP state president

Vikas Nagar : Backlog Sangharsh Samiti Uttarakhand has demanded from the BJP State President for the recruitment of reserved backlog vacancies. The committee officials have requested the state president to take immediate action in favor of thousands of unemployed. On Sunday, the delegation of committee officials met state president Madan Kaushik in Doon. The delegation put forward the demand of thousands of unemployed people of the state through a memorandum. Committee President Kamlesh Bhatt said that since the formation of the state, thousands of posts of reserved categories are vacant in various departments. On which constitutionally educated youth and women of reserved classes should be appointed on the basis of their representation. But till now the government has not shown any seriousness towards recruitment to those posts. Due to which thousands of trained unemployed from reserved category are waiting for recruitment on the backlog posts. He requested the State President to start the recruitment process on the backlog posts on a war footing in favor of unemployed youth at the earliest. President Kamlesh Bhatt said that the State President has assured to make every effort on the demand of the unemployed at the earliest. The delegation included Sajju Arya, Brijesh Vishwakarma, Dhajveer Singh etc.