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56.53% of foodgrains have been lifted in the country under PMGKAY Phase IV

The Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar is topmost in India to have lifted highest percentage of foodgrains under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) Phase IV.

The UT of Andaman & Nicobar has lifted 93% of the allocated foodgrains under PMGKAY -IV (from July 2021-September 15, 2021). Following close is Odisha which has lifted 92%, Tripura and Meghalaya on the third spot lifting 73% each while Telangana, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh lifted 71% foodgrains each in the above mentioned time period.

Pertinently, during Phase IV of PMGKAY which started in July 2021 till September 15, 2021, 56.53% of foodgrains have been lifted in the country. The Phase IV period will conclude in November 2021.

Notably, Phase III of the scheme has reported highest lifting percentage of 98.41%.

Government of India has so far allocated nearly 600 LMT of foodgrains under PMGKAY Scheme in all its four phases. Against the total allocation done under the scheme in all phases, 82.76% of lifting of foodgrains has been done till September 15, 2021.

The Centre allocates foodgrains in every phase of the scheme. Once the state government takes the allocated foodgrains from the Centre for further disbursement, it is called as lifting.

The details of allocation and lifting of foodgrains under PMGKAY is as under: