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Laser weapon system was stationed near the Red Fort so that the enemy’s drone does not attack

Independence Day celebrations were celebrated today i.e. on 15 August 2022 at Red Fort. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the country. Hundreds of VIPs were present. Thousands of school children and people attended the function. The responsibility of their security rests with our country’s military forces and defense scientific institutions. In this sequence, the Indigenous Anti-Drone System was deployed near the Red Fort. It is also called Counter-Drone System.

This drone system has been made by the Indian Defense Research Organization (DRDO). Two types of techniques work in this. The first soft kill means breaking the communication link of any drone. That is, breaking the drone’s contact with the remote or computer from which the drone is to be flown. Due to this the drone falls out of direction. He stops flying. The drone is of no use to anyone as soon as the contact of the person driving it is lost.

The second system is Hard Kill ie, as soon as it comes in the range of this counter drone system, it is attacked with a laser weapon. The electronic systems of the drones are damaged by the laser attack. He gets burnt. This laser system shoots down the drone without any explosion. The range of this anti-drone system is four kilometers. That is, as soon as it comes in this range, the enemy drone will either fall. Or it will be dropped.

The Indigenous Anti-Drone System has also been handed over to the Indian Army and internal security agencies. They are also using them. In December 2021 last year, five such systems of DRDO were handed over to the Indian Armed Forces. This drone system detects Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and stops them immediately. drops or destroys. That is the purpose of this system.