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Truth and Reality


Bhumika Bansal

We are in a free country and this freedom is a gift of democracy to us. Our country was freedom to  a sustained, non- violence struggle involving has adopted a democratic socialist path for its development and progress.

Today, there is ‘rule of law’ in India. All citizens are equal and subject to the jurisdiction of the same authority. Even the privy purses granted to the princess and federal bards were abolished in the late 60’s birth is no more the basis of recognizing states and power. Religion, language, caste or ethnicity are no longer considerations for providing social honor and privileges. Additionally, all the citizens  of India have the right to vote at all the levels of our political system.

There has been tremendous progress in the field of education in 1986, a new education policy was implemented by the government of India placing greater emphasis on the quality of education particularly at school level. Special attention has been given to the education of the SC’s ST’s and women and backward sections. There is more emphasis on Hindi and other national languages. The policy of learning 3 languages at the school level has been implemented in all states of the union of India.

The Green Revolution has been made possible because of land reforms and adoption o a new technology . India is today self sufficient in food grains, where as in the 50s and 60s, it dependend upon the USA for its requirements of food- grains. We have made lot of progress in the field of industry since independence. Heavy industries at Hatia , Sindri, Bangalore were established in the 50s and 60s.

The British enacted, social legislations, particularly  for preventing child marriages, Sati, infanticide and for encouraging widow remarriages etc. the government of India passed the Hindi Marriages Act in 1956. Legislation also wanted enacted to discourage Child Labor. There is now stringent legislation against dowry.


Despite the given healthy development in the post in dependence , pre Independence and Modern era, the concentration of the economic power in the hands of a few families and individuals has increased. The poor aren’t yet getting their due share. Their living conditions are quite appalling. Social consciousness about these problems is still lacking.

Religion, ethnicity and caste are commandeered important factors in elections. Much reliance is placed upon one’s caste members to win an election. Factional disputes originate from alliances based on caste, religion, and community based affiliations. Even urban and educated people are not free from these problems.