News Cubic Studio

Truth and Reality

“ Regime of Terror and the Administration ”

Shivali  Goyal

It seems like the higher- ups of our nation have turned blind eyes towards what is happening in the state or they have become so inhuman towards what is happening that now it doesn’t effects them at all. I am shocked to see such a sorry state of the people during these days that I sometimes felt that being an animal would be rather better than this.

There have been speculation and charges of manipulation of data on government of many states, whether it be about people who died of covid-19 or of people infected with covid-19 or about the number of people died in a specific hospital of Delhi . The reality is much different than what is shown . But in May one of a renowned newspaper “Danik Bhaskar” actually wrote an article on the mismatch between the data provided by the Delhi Government and the actual number of Coronavirus deaths, referring to that article a news portal even wrote clear number differences of the reports presented by one of the state government (Delhi Govt.) and the actual death toll. The news portal wrote that Jayprakash JP (Chairman of Standing Committee of North MCD accused “ Delhi Government of playing politics over the issue and forging the data . “ They must tell the reality to the world and make people aware ”, he emphasised. The news portal also wrote on the cover-up of West Bengal Government.

Even thought governments on both the levels ( centre and state ) are boasting so much about their preparations and readiness to fight against the disease , but it doesn’t seems so. Rather it seems there is no or mere name sake coordination between the governments of both the levels. In metropolitan cities like Delhi and Bombay the issue is much worse. In these states having Covid-19 tests has also become next to impossible. People have to wait for hours in long queues to get tested and even if they get tested and have corona then being able to get admitted in the hospitals is a struggle of next level.

Whichever hospital the patient goes the reply is one and that is “no bed available”. Even thought the Delhi Government app shows that a specific government hospital have availability of beds , but on ground their reply to the patient and the family is always “ no beds available” . If the family then tries to get the patient admitted in a private hospitals their answer is also is the same and even after using some approach if the patient gets admitted then the private hospital charges a whooping amount of money . This all is just some pictures of the true colours of the situation. The problem is more bigger when you go deep into it.

From a long time there have been videos surfing around on social media  showing how badly people are treated in quarantine centres and hospitals . The videos shows how people are kept in unhygienic conditions without proper facilities and are deprived of even basic needs and sanitation . I would not say that the condition is like this everywhere but it is also true that conditions like this are likely to prevail somewhere ,  atleast this is what I felt till the time I didn’t watched 11June 2020 “ Aaj Ki Baat”

The whole Delhi state was is utter shock on June 11 , when Mr Rajat Sharma in “Aaj ki Baat”  showed the bitter reality of government hospitals of Delhi. The show anchored by Mr. Rajat showed the horrifying state of  Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan  (LNGP) Hospital which surprisingly is the biggest government hospital dedicated for covid-19 patients only in Delhi . He showed videos and pictures of the corona ward of LNGP hospital which clearly brought the truth infront of the eyes of all .  The patients admitted in the hospitals were kept in such callous conditions that anyone who sees them couldn’t imagine something like even in this in his wildest dreams .Since the family members cannot enter the hospitals and medical staff don’t care about them , so the patients are left on their own with just hopes in their hearts and minds . When the video was sended to the authorities they were speechles   and  when answer was asked from the hospital , the medical superintendent gave some weird answers .

After the video was telecasted on national television , people hoped that action would be taken against them and the authorities  would wake up . On the very same day a team comprising of NHRC ( National Human Rights Commission )members visited the hospital . The panel issued notices to the Health Ministry and the Delhi government .  The five member commission was headed by Jyoti Kalra who is  a member of NHRC ,an assistant registrar ( LAW) , a DSP, an inspector and  a doctor on the panel of the commission. On the same day even the High Court sended notices to state and central government asking what they have  been doing all this time. The Supreme Court has asked five states to submit detailed reports on the government hospitals treating Covid-19 infected people, patient care and details of the staff and infrastructure in the hospitals before June 17. The Supreme Court exactly on the next day that is 12 June 2020 gave a tight scolding to the Central and the State Government on the issue of inhumanity and ignorant behaviour of the government hospitals toward the covid-19 patients.

This was when the Supreme Court issued notice to five states namely Delhi , Maharashtra , West Bengal , Tamil Nadu and Gujrat – in suo motu (on its own ) case initiated by the apex court. A bench of three senior judges separately gave verdict on the intolerable situation of the LNGP Hospital. The judges used words like “pathetic” , “horrible ”and “deplorable ” to describe the current state of the hospital. The Court has asked for an answer on the situation of the hospital and at the same time asked an answer from Delhi government on why the number of tests have gone down in Delhi when it has gone high in states like Mumbai and others. Although some actions have been taken but in long term unfortunately much more strict actions are needed because maybe for some even all this has not let them changed till now.

Let’s not go much far , even now after all this the picture in LNGP Hospital has not changed much . In the morning of 12 June the Supreme Court gave a verdict on the present state of LNGP Hospital and in the night Mr. Rajat Sharma again in “Aaj ki Baat” showed how even now LNGP Hospital is carelessly treating the Covid -19 patients and their families . In the broadcast the family members themselves spoke how brutality has reached on its top in the hospital. All the incidents we are seeing and getting to know is all that is portrayed infront of the spectrum but what lies behind them is another bitter truth that could we true or not I don’t know, that can be only told by the hospital staff inside or god .

What I do know is I feel in this way and I am hoping in some corner of my heart that this should not be the truth. I don’t know anyone noticed or not but in one of the video shown in “Aaj ki Baat” there was only one young boy conscious between all the other unconscious patients in one of the Corona ward of LNGP Hospital but surprisingly exactly after the day of LNGP Hospital got exposed they declared boy died . When the family members of the patient were informed they talked to India TV in which his brother clearly stated that the boy had corona but was not in a severe condition. If that is the case how can the boy die in just a night then. I am not saying it’s true but rather it might be true that he didn’t died by the disease  rather

The answer is to be find by you all . What I am saying from my perspective is that he was the only true eye witness who could tell what was actually happening inside the hospital and which the mere photos and videos could not portray . He was the only eye witness that could testify in court all the right and wrong that was happening in the hospital. Similarly if a person clearly sees both the broadcasts of “ Aaj ki Baat ” , one could find may such unexplainable things that can’t be spotted from just “seeing the news as news” .  What I want to state is in this article is not what is right or wrong but what I want to say is what is actually happening behind what seems to be the truth and what is merely a part of truth.In the ending I  just want to say that where lies the truth lies a loads of lies too. What is the actual truth is to be decided by you  !!!!!!!!