Indian Political Leaders are not maintaining COVID-19 Rules

If the common public is seen without wearing a mask, then the police fined them because of the second wave of Corona Virus has created a terrible situation in India, but on the other hand the Indian leaders are allowing the crowd of thousands in their rally without wearing mask. There is no social distancing, there is no security, then the existence of Corona is denied?
The whole world is struggling with the crisis of Corona. Norway Country can look as an example of this
In Norway, even PM not above COVID law — fined $2,300 for birthday bash
On April 9, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg was fined 20,000 kroner ($2,352) for breach of COVID rules during her 60th birthday celebration on February 26.
In most such cases, the police would not have imposed a fine. The prime minister, the police said, has been at the forefront of the government’s campaign to enforce restrictions. Hence, it was only appropriate to impose a fine in order to maintain the public’s trust in the infection control rules.

WHO had also warn everyone on Corona Pandemic and India is doing opposite to it in this pandemic situation.

If there are more than 200 people in the marriage, then the police is driving them away with sticks, then why not in the rally? Corona is not a joke, it is not a game, and the public does not even care about their lives.