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Director SAIF presents Air Purifier Unit for Himachal Pradesh

Shimla : Director of the Statistical Analytical Instrumentation Facility (SAIF) of Punjab University, Chandigarh, Dr. Ganga Ram Chaudhary presented 40 air purifier units for Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital Shimla to Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur here today. These air purifiers have been provided by Punjab University of Chandigarh to Malik Inc. USA with a view to help combat the COVID-19 epidemic.

The Chief Minister thanked the Director of SAIF for this pioneering work.

Health Minister Dr. Rajiv Saizal, MLA Vinod Kumar and IGMC Senior Medical Superintendent Dr. Janak Raj was also present on the occasion.

State Government is ensuring proper care and protection of orphaned children: Chief Minister Himachal Pradesh

Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur told here today that the Corona epidemic has not only affected the global economy, but many children have been orphaned. The state government is ensuring the safety of all children other than orphans who are in crisis. He said that the state government is providing Rs 2500 per month for the care of children up to the age of 18 years living with another family.

The Chief Minister said that so far seven children of COVID epidemic have been orphaned in the state, who are living with their relatives. He said that the government has contacted their parents, but they have refused to send these children to childcare centers, so instructions have been issued to the authorities to take immediate action to keep such children in foster care. Start and they should be provided Rs 2500 per month per child till the age of 18 years.

Jai Ram Thakur said that the government has taken steps to look after and protect children during the recent Kovid epidemic. He said that children who are enrolled in childcare centers and who have been temporarily sent to their families due to school closures during the Kovid epidemic, provided Rs 2000 per month to enable them to continue their online education. Will be done. He said that 598 children are currently benefiting under this scheme. The Chief Minister said that children up to the age of 18, who have lost parents or are suffering from Kovid due to Kovid epidemic, will be provided shelter and care in child care centers. He said that oximeter, thermometer and thermal scanner etc. have been provided in all child care centers. He said that the employees working in these institutions have been declared as frontline workers for the purpose of vaccination. Jai Ram Thakur said that the state government has already implemented many schemes in the state for the care and protection of children. He said that under the Mother Teresa Ashraya Matru Sambal Yojana, financial assistance of Rs 6000 per child is being provided to the widows for the maintenance of two children till the age of 18 years. He said that families whose annual income does not exceed Rs. 35000, have also been brought under this scheme.