Uttar Pradesh / Saharanpur : Family blood donors trust providing oxygen to home patients

Family of Blood Donors Trust, a leading institution in the blood donation sector, is providing oxygen cylinders to home-going patients through Volunteers for patients who need oxygen in the second wave of the Corona epidemic.
Arjun Sharma told that he is self-coordinating this entire campaign, Arjun himself became corona positive in the first wave, he is sharing his experiences in patients, here he is helping one another with oxygen and another by motivating people. Is also infusing new energy into them. Arjun says that after coming positive, he did not let the negative dominate him, that is why he faced Corona firmly and is now helping the people.
Pankaj Panchal told that now the trust will go to every village through volunteers to select such people who are unable to take the necessary medicines of the poor. Medicines will be made available to them as well as necessary help will also be provided through the trust. Pankaj says that in the second wave, the trust has had 31 consecutive days and on the 32nd day by the trust.
If the village is saved then the country will start a campaign in which the trust will distribute the necessary medicines to the needy in Block Nakur, Rampur and Sarsawa in the first phase.