Vaccination Drive by POWERGRID

POWERGRID Corporation of India Ltd , a Maharatna PSU under Ministry of Power, has organised vaccination camps in many locations for its employees at its establishments across the country like Kota, Bhiwadi, Misa, Namsai, Rourkela, Ara, Biharsharif, Saharsa, and Muzaffarpur etc .For all the camps the cost on account of vaccination was borne by POWERGRID.
Among the camps organised at various locations, a vaccination camp was organised from 10th May to 17th May 2021 in Sector 43, Gurugram in its Multi- purpose hall (MP Hall) in association with Max Hospital more than 1600 individuals were vaccinated. These include employees, contractual employees and superannuated employees and their family members. Another vaccination camp was organised by POWERGRID at its MP Hall in Gurugram from 31st March to 6th May 2021 in association with Max Hospitals, Fortis and Artemis more than 700 individuals were vaccinated.
A vaccination camp was also organised by POWERGRID at Katwaria Sarai office Delhi in association with Apollo Hospitals where more than 290 people took the vaccine this number includes more than 80 employees and their families from Ministry of Power and other Power PSUs
A total of more than 2600 people have been vaccinated by POWERGRID in these three camps organised in NCR territory.
These camps were organised for the age groups of 18-44 years and also for those above 45 years of age.
POWERGRID stands united with the Government of India’s vision to complete the largest vaccination drive in the world.