White Fungus Symptoms: White fungus is more dangerous than Black Fungus, know what are its symptoms and methods of prevention

White Fungus Symptoms: As the incidence of Corona virus increases in India, many cases of Black Fungus or Mucomycortitis are also coming. This infection greatly increases the risk of life. Black fungus cases are being seen in many states. It can also gradually take the form of epidemic.
However, there is also a danger of black fungus infection after recovery from COVID, but in the meantime a new infection is also being seen. According to reports, cases related to white fungus infection have been reported in Bihar. Health experts believe that it may prove more dangerous than black fungus.
Bihar has seen 4 cases of white fungal infection, which is currently grappling with devastating cases of COVID. These cases include a doctor who was working as a frontline worker. While there is no evidence that white fungus infection is spreading to other states as well, medical experts believe that white fungus, like the viral virus, may be more dangerous than black fungus.
- Medical experts have also suggested that similar tests like HRCT scans may be needed to detect white fungal infections, just as severe cases of COVID-19 require additional scans. .
- Black fungal infections are infecting people who have poor immunity, who are already suffering from some serious disease, such as diabetes or have used steroids. People who need high oxygen support also have an increased risk of the disease.