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Earthquake tremors after volcanic eruption in Congo, at least 32 people died

So far at least 32 people have died due to volcanic eruptions in eastern Congo. Two days after the volcano erupted, people were seen searching for their loved ones among the destroyed houses on the outskirts of Goma city. Earthquake tremors were also felt after the volcano erupted here. Officials and eyewitnesses said that Mount Niragongo, a volcano near the town of Goma in Congo, erupted on Saturday. After which lava flowed into the villages here, due to which more than 500 houses were destroyed here.

Joseph Makundi, head of civil defense in North Kivu Province, said the death toll rose to 32 on Monday. He said that more than ten people died in various road accidents while attempting to escape from the volcano. Many others died due to lava. Celestin Kasareka Mahinda, director of the Flavonic Observatory in Goma, said that many people died due to exposure to smoke and poisonous gas emanating from the lava. Mahinda said that the scientists of the observatory could not properly warn the public about the possibility of volcanic eruptions. He said that the volcano is still active and earthquake tremors are being felt. Mahinda has asked people to be cautious even now. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reported that the volcano, Mount Niragongo, erupted on Saturday, causing nearly five thousand people to leave the city of Goma, while another 25,000 took refuge in the town of Saké in the northwest. More than 170 children have been missing since this natural disaster. UNICEF officials say they are camping to help children who are single, with no adults. This volcano was last erupted in the year 2002, even then there was heavy destruction. Hundreds of people were killed and more than 100,000 people became homeless.