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Farmer Movement: Farmers Celebrate ‘Black Day’

The farmers, who were protesting against the three new agricultural laws of the Center on the borders of Delhi, celebrated ‘Black Day’ on Wednesday after completing six months of their agitation and during this time they hoisted black flags, shouted anti-government slogans, burnt effigies and demonstrated.
There is also news of some chaos at the demonstration site in Ghazipur on the Delhi boarder, where farmers burnt effigies of the central government amidst the deployment of policemen in large numbers. As part of the ‘Black Day’ demonstration, farmers waved black flags and burnt effigies of leaders on three border areas Singhu, Ghazipur and Tikri. The Delhi Police has appealed to the people not to collect the situation due to Corona virus infection and the enforced lockdown and said that they are keeping a close watch to deal with any situation at the protest venue.

Farmer leader Avtar Singh Mehma said that black flags have been installed not only at the protest site but also in the villages of Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. He said that villagers have also put black flags on their houses and vehicles. Mehma said, “effigies of government leaders were burnt. Today is a day to reiterate that it has been six months since we performed, but the government, whose tenure has completed seven years today, is not listening to us.