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NASA’s Hubble Telescope Captured Beautiful Pictures of ‘Spiral Galaxies’

The American Space Agency NASA’s Hubble Telescope keeps capturing the best pictures of space in the camera. After this, these pictures are sent to the earth, which reveal many secrets of the universe. Hubble has once again captured some of the best pictures of such space in the camera.

The Hubble telescope has captured this beautiful picture of the spiral galaxy NGC 5037, located in the constellation Virgo. This galaxy is located 150 million light years away from our Earth. Even after such a great distance, the composition of the galaxy’s dust and gas can be seen in this picture.

NASA shared this photo taken by Hubble with its official Instagram account. This picture is from the Spiral Galaxy NGC 2276. NGC 2276 is located in Cepheus constellation and is located 120 million light years away from Earth.

The Hubble telescope has captured a picture of the Cladwell 72 Galaxy through its powerful cameras. This galaxy is located 6.5 million light years away from Earth. In this picture, flakes of blue stars can be seen.

Let me tell you that the Hubble telescope was named after the American astronomer Edwin P. Hubble. It was launched in 1990 and till now it has done more than 1.3 million observations. The Hubble telescope orbits the earth and monitors the universe. In its career of 31 years, it has captured some of the best pictures of the universe in its camera.