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Uttar Pradesh / Saharanpur : Mayor Sanjeev Walia distributing soap, mask and sanitizer to people in Ward 13

Cleanliness and precautionary measures to prevent corona: Mayor
Meyer also distributed halls, masks and masks to people from house to house in ward 13

People were made aware to protect the corona from the mosque in Nadeem Colony

Mayor Sanjeev Walia on Sunday went door-to-door in other areas of the ward, including the Balmiki colony in Ward 13 Chak Haretti, taking information about the corona and helping people from the weaker sections with soap, masks and sanitizers Distributed. He appealed to people to follow the Kovid rules, cautioning Corona.

Mayor Sanjeev Walia himself took to the streets on Sunday to take stock of the cleanliness, sanitization and corona situation. He approached the people from door to door in Balmiki Basti and other areas of the ward in Ward 13, knowing their condition and inquiring about the cleanliness, sanitization etc. being done by the corporation. People expressed satisfaction over the affairs of the corporation. He also distributed soaps, masks and sanitizers to the cleaning workers and weaker sections during house to house contact. He also took information from BJP-nominated councilor Umesh Sharma in the area about cleaning, garbage picking, fogging, sanitization and lime and malathion spraying in the ward, besides monitoring committee and corona infection.

Mayor Walia, while interacting with the people, took information regarding Corona and advised them to follow the Kovid rules. He said that the influence of Korana has diminished a little, but the corona has not ended. The mayor urged people to wear face masks, use sanitizers and wash their hands frequently. He said that cleanliness and precaution is the most effective way to prevent corona. He said that the thinking of any person that he cannot get infected can prove to be a big mistake for him. Minor lapses can become life-threatening. During this, along with councilors Viratpuri, Pramod Chaudhary and Umesh Sharma, cleaning inspector Neeraj Karnwal was also present.

On the other hand, the Municipal Corporation ITC Mission Golden Tomorrow and Force NGO constituted in Ward 66 Nadeem Colony, Mohalla Committee Gulshan Sunra Kal Group and Monitoring Committee Member Gulshan Khan announced from Muzaffaria Masjid about the protection and cleanliness of the local people from Corona. Making aware that people stay at home and go out only when needed and put on masks and keep using sanitizer. He appealed to the people to come forward and get vaccinated. Gulshan Khan thanked the Municipal Corporation ITC Mission Sunhara Kal and the Force for their support. During this, committee secretary Dr. Farman and treasurer Salman were also present.