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Center’s loose policy should ensure free immunization in vaccination base: Rahul

The Congress on Wednesday demanded that all citizens of the country should get the anti-Covid vaccine free of cost, alleging that due to the lax policy of the central government, vaccination is hanging in the balance. The main opposition party has campaigned for free vaccination with the hashtag ‘Speak-up for free universal vaccination’ on various social media platforms. Former party president Rahul Gandhi tweeted under this campaign, “The strongest protection against the corona virus epidemic is the only vaccine. You should also raise your voice for free vaccination of the people of the country – wake up the central government! The lax vaccine policy of the central government has left vaccination in limbo. He claimed, “The people of India had hoped that there would be a policy of free vaccine for all, but what did the central government give? Locks on vaccination centers, 3 prices of vaccine in a country, so far only 3.4 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated, abandoning the responsibility and putting the burden on the states. Directionless vaccine policy. Senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad released a video saying, “There is only one vaccine that can save the whole world and India from Kovid. That is why our demand is that the countrymen should be vaccinated free of cost. Many other party leaders also raised the demand for free vaccination under this campaign.