Isolated precipitation likely over Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh and weather is likely to be dry over rest of Northwest India

According to the National Weather Forecasting Centre of the India Meteorological Department (IMD):
(Dated: 02 June 2021, Time of Issue: 1145 hours IST)
Main Weather Observations during past 24 hrs ending at 0830 hrs IST of today:
- Rain/Thundershowers occurred at many places over Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Gilgit-Baltistan,Muzaffarabad,ata few places over east Uttar Pradesh and at isolated places over Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, west Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. Weather was dry over Delhi.
- Heavyrain occurred at isolated places over east Uttar Pradesh (Barabanki110.0mm).
- Thunderstorm occurred at a few places over Jammu & Kashmir and at isolated places over Himachal Pradesh,Uttarakhand,east Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.
- Hailstorm occurred at isolated places over Jammu & Kashmir.
- Squall occurred at isolated places over Punjab(Amritsar).
- The Highest maximum temperature over northwest India was 42.8°Crecorded at Phalodi (Rajasthan).
General Weather Forecast fornext 5days(upto 0830 hours IST of 07June
- No large change in maximum temperature during next 48 hours and rise by 02-04°C there after over most parts of Northwest India.
Outlook for subsequent 2days (from0830 hrs IST of 07 June 2021 to0830hrs IST of 09June 2021):
Isolated precipitation likely over Uttarakhand and UttarPradesh and weather is likely to be dry over rest of Northwest India.