Southwest Monsoon advanced into northeastern states and Sub-Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim

According to the National Weather Forecasting Centre of the India Meteorological Department:
(Dated: 06 June, 2021, Time of Issue: 1430 hrs. IST)
- Progress of southwest Monsoon
♦ Southwest Monsoon has further advanced into more parts of central Arabian Sea, some more parts of Maharashtra, entire Karnataka, some more parts of Telangana, entire Tamil Nadu, some more parts of Andhra Pradesh, more parts of central Bay of Bengal and northeast Bay of Bengal and thence entire northeastern states of India (Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura, Assam & Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh), most parts of Sub-Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim today, the 6th June 2021.
♦The Northern Limit of Monsoon (NLM) passes through lat. 18.0°N/ Long. 65°E, lat. 18.5°N/ Long. 70°E, Alibagh, Pune, Medak, Nalgonda, Rentachintala, Sriharikota, lat. 14°N/ Long. 85.0°E, 16°N/88°E, 20°N/90.5°E and 24.0°N/89.5°E and Bagdogra (refer Fig 1 for northern Limit of the southwest Monsoon 2021 as on 6 June 2021).
♦ Chief amount of realized Rainfall in last 24 hours for time ending at 0830 hrs IST of today: Tirumayam (Pudukkottai dist)-19; Tripura, Gangtok-11 each; Shirali, Anantapur-10 each; Manki, Bhatkal, Chikkamangaluru, Cuddapah, Perambalur-9 each; Thane, East Khasi Hills, Rewa, Honavar-8 each; Raigad, Vadgaon (Pune), Agartala, Cuddalore-7 each; Tirupathi-6.
- Forecast and Warning
♦ Due to strengthening of southwesterly winds and a cyclonic circulation over Sub-Himalayan West Bengal & neighbourhood in lower tropospheric level; fairly widespread to widespread rainfall activity very likely over Northeastern states and adjoining East India during next 4-5 days. Isolated heavy rainfall very likely over Arunachal Pradesh on 06th & 08th; over Assam & Meghalaya & Sub-Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim on 08th & 09h; over Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura on 06th-07th; over Odisha on 08th & 09th; over Gangetic West Bengal on 10th June. Isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall also very likely over Assam & Meghalaya & Sub-Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim on today, the 06th June and over Odisha on 10th June.
♦ Under the influence of the off-shore trough at mean sea level from north Maharashtra coast to north Kerala coast and a cyclonic circulation over Konkan & Goa in lower tropospheric levels; scattered to widespread rainfall accompanied with thunderstorm, lightning and gusty winds very likely over parts of south peninsular India and West coast with isolated heavy rainfall today, the 06th June 2021 and reduction in intensity thereafter.
Southwest Monsoon has further advanced into more parts of central Arabian Sea, some more parts of Maharashtra, entire Karnataka, some more parts of Telengana, entire Tamil Nadu, some more parts of Andhra Pradesh, more parts of central Bay of Bengal, northeast Bay of Bengal, entire northeastern states of India (Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh), most parts of Sub-Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim today
According to the National Weather Forecasting Centre of the India Meteorological Department:
(Sunday06June 2021, MID-DAY, Time of Issue: 1400 hours IST)
- Southwest Monsoon has further advanced into more parts of central Arabian Sea, some more parts of Maharashtra, entire Karnataka,some more parts of Telengana, entire Tamil Nadu, some more parts of Andhra Pradesh, more parts ofcentral Bay of Bengal and northeastBay of Bengal and thenceentire northeastern states of India(Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura, Assam & Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh),most parts of Sub-HimalayanWestBengal& Sikkimtoday,the 06thJune2021.
- The Northern Limit of Monsoon (NLM) passes through lat. 18.0°N/ Long. 65°E, lat. 18.5°N/ Long. 70°E, Alibagh, Pune, Medak,Nalgonda,Rentachintala,Sriharikota,lat. 14°N/Long.85.0°E,16°N/88°E,20°N/90.5°Eand24.0°N/89.5°EandBagdogra.
- Due to strengthening of southwesterly winds and a cyclonic circulation over Sub-Himalayan West Bengal & neighbourhood in lower tropospheric level; fairly widespread to widespread rainfall activity very likely over Northeastern states and adjoining East India during next 4-5 days. Isolated heavy rainfall very likely over Arunachal Pradesh on 06th & 08th; over Assam & Meghalaya & Sub-HimalayanWest Bengal & Sikkim on 08th & 09h; over Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura on 06th-07th; over Odisha on 08th & 09th; over Gangetic West Bengal on 10th June. Isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall also very likely over Assam & Meghalaya & Sub-HimalayanWestBengal& Sikkimontoday,the 06thJuneandoverOdishaon 10thJune.
- Under the influence of the off-shore trough at mean sea level from north Maharashtra coast to north Kerala coast and a cycloniccirculationoverKonkan&Goainlowertroposphericlevels;scatteredtowidespreadrainfallaccompaniedwiththunderstorm,lightningandgustywinds very likelyoverpartsofsouth peninsularIndiaandWestcoastwithisolated heavyrainfall today, the06thJune2021.
- Strongsurface winds(25-35kmph)likelytoprevailover plainsofNorthwestIndiaduring08th-10th June.
06 June (Day 1): ♦ Thunderstorm with lightning & gusty winds (speed reaching 40-50 kmph) at isolated places very likely over East Rajasthan; withlightning&gustywinds(speedreaching30-40kmph)atisolatedplacesoverUttarakhand, EastMadhyaPradeshandJharkhandandwithlightningatisolatedplaces over Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Gilgit-Baltistan & Muzaffarabad, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, WestMadhyaPradesh,Vidarbha, Chhattisgarh, WestBengal&Sikkim, Andaman&NicobarIslands,ArunachalPradesh,Assam&Meghalaya,Nagaland,Manipur,Mizoram & Tripura, Gujarat state, Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada, Konkan & Goa, Telangana, Rayalaseema, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry &Karaikal,Kerala&MaheandLakshadweep.
- Thunderstorm/Duststormwithlightning&gustywinds(speedreaching30 40kmph)verylikelyatisolatedplacesoverWestRajasthan.
- HeavytoVeryHeavyRainfallatisolatedplacesverylikelyoverSub HimalayanWestBengal&SikkimandAssam&MeghalayaandHeavyRainfallatisolated places over Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura, Madhya Maharashtra, Konkan & Goa, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu,Puducherry&Karaikal.
- StrongWinds(speed40-50kmphgustingto60kmph)verylikelyoverSouthwest&WestcentralArabianSea.Fishermenareadvisednottoventureintotheseareas.
07 June (Day 2): ♦ Thunderstorm with lightning & gusty winds (speed reaching 40-50 kmph) at isolated places very likely over East Rajasthan andAndaman & Nicobar Islands; with lightning & gusty winds (speed reaching 30-40 kmph) at isolated places over West Madhya Pradesh and Vidarbha andwith lightning at isolated places over Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Assam & Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura, Gujarat state,Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada, Konkan & Goa, Coastal Andhra Pradesh & Yanam, Telangana, Coastal & South Interior Karnataka, Tamil Nadu,Puducherry&Karaikal,Kerala&MaheandLakshadweep.
- HeavyRainfallatisolatedplacesverylikelyoverAndaman&NicobarIslands,Assam&MeghalayaandNagaland,Manipur,Mizoram&Tripura.
- StrongWinds(speed40-50kmphgustingto60kmph)verylikelyoverSouthwest&WestcentralArabianSea.Fishermenareadvisednottoventureintotheseareas.
08 June (Day 3): ♦Thunderstorm with lightning & gusty winds (speed reaching 40-50 kmph) at isolated places very likely over Andaman & NicobarIslands;withlightning&gustywinds(speedreaching30-40kmph)atisolatedplacesoverWestMadhyaPradesh,Vidarbha,ChhattisgarhandBiharandwithlightningatisolatedplacesoverEastRajasthan,GangeticWestBengal,Odisha,Gujaratstate,CoastalAndhraPradesh&Yanam,Telangana,Coastal&SouthInteriorKarnataka,TamilNadu,Puducherry&Karaikal,Kerala&MaheandLakshadweep.
- HeavyRainfallatisolatedplacesverylikelyoverSub-HimalayanWestBengal&Sikkim,Odisha,Andaman&NicobarIslands,ArunachalPradesh,Assam&MeghalayaandKerala&Mahe.
- Strong Winds (speed 40-50 kmph gusting to 60 kmph) very likely over Southwest &Westcentral Arabian Sea; (speed 40-50 kmph) over NortheastArabianSeaandSouthwest,CentralBayofBengal&AndamanSea.SquallyWeather(speedreaching40-50kmph)along&offKeralacoast,LakshadweepareaandGulfofMannar.Fishermenareadvisednottoventureintotheseareas.
09 June (Day 4): ♦ Thunderstorm with lightning & gusty winds (speed reaching 40-50 kmph) at isolated places likely over Andaman & Nicobar Islands;with lightning & gusty winds (speed reaching 30-40 kmph) at isolated places over East Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha, Chhattisgarh, Bihar,JharkhandandGangeticWestBengalandwithlightningatisolatedplacesoverGujaratstate,CoastalAndhraPradesh&Yanam,Telangana,Coastal&SouthInteriorKarnataka,Kerala&MaheandLakshadweep.
- HeavyRainfallatisolatedplaceslikelyoverSub-HimalayanWestBengal&Sikkim,Odisha,Andaman&NicobarIslands,Assam&MeghalayaandKerala&Mahe.
- Strong Winds (speed 40-50 kmph gusting to 60 kmph) likely over Southwest &Westcentral Arabian Sea; (speed 40-50 kmph) over Northeast ArabianSeaalong&offsouthGujaratcoastandNorth,CentralBayofBengal&AndamanSea.SquallyWeather(speedreaching40-50kmph)along&offKeralacoastandLakshadweeparea.Fishermenareadvisednottoventureintotheseareas.
10 June (Day 5): ♦ Thunderstorm with lightning & gusty winds (speed reaching 40-50 kmph) at isolated places likely over Andaman & Nicobar Islands;withlightning&gustywinds(speedreaching30-40kmph)atisolatedplacesoverUttarakhand,EastUttarPradesh,MadhyaPradesh,Vidarbha,Chhattisgarh,Bihar,JharkhandandGangeticWestBengalandwithlightningatisolatedplacesoverGujaratstate,CoastalAndhraPradesh&Yanam,Telangana,Karnataka,Kerala&MaheandLakshadweep.
- Heavy to Very Heavy Rainfall at isolated places likely over Odisha and Heavy Rainfall at isolated places over Chhattisgarh, Gangetic West Bengal,Andaman&NicobarIslands,Assam&MeghalayaandKonkan&Goa.
- Strong Winds (speed 40-50 kmph gusting to 60 kmph) likely over Southwest &Westcentral Arabian Sea; (speed 40-50 kmph) over Northeast ArabianSeaalong&offsouthGujaratcoastandNorth,CentralBayofBengal&AndamanSea.Fishermenareadvisednottoventureintotheseareas.