Registration begins for recruitment in Women Military Police

- Army website site will remain open from 6th to 20th July
- Online registration mandatory, older people will get priority
Online registration is going on to join Indian Army as Soldier General Duty Women Military Police. Recruitment Notification W-3 for Enrollment of Soldier General Duty Women Military Police in Indian Army uploaded on the website of join indian has been done. Online registration is mandatory which will be open from 6th June to 20th July. For Soldier General Duty Female Military Police with age limit of seventeen years, six months to 21 years, born between 1 October 2000 to 1 April 2004, whose height 152 cms and weight should be commensurate with height and age as per Army Medical Standards. Educational Qualification: Class 10th Matriculation pass with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% marks in each subject. Once the registration of the candidates is over, a cut off list will be prepared and admit cards will be issued only to a limited number of candidates in proportion to the vacancies required to be filled. The cut off merit list will first be decided on the basis of aggregate marks in class 10th and after that if there are more candidates with equal marks, then preference will be given to older candidates.