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Railways approves operation of 660 more trains

Keeping in view the process of unlocking with the graph of coronavirus falling in various states of India and the number of Kovid-19 cases falling below one lakh during the last 12 days, Indian Railways said that it has started operating 660 more trains in a month. Permission has been granted. In a statement, the Ministry of Railways said that with the pace of corona flattening out, Indian Railways will introduce several special trains to facilitate public travel, provide trains for the movement of migrant workers and eliminate waiting lists in various origin destination clusters. Operations are going to increase.

Before the second wave of COVID picked up, on an average about 1768 mail/express trains were operating daily.

As on 18 June 2021, about 983 Mail/Express trains are operating daily, which is about 56 percent as compared to the pre-COVID level. The number of trains is gradually being increased based on the demand and business needs.

As of June 1, 2021, around 800 Mail/Express trains were in operation. During the period from 1st June to 18th June 2021, Zonal Railways were approved to operate 660 additional Mail/Express trains.

The statement said that the Zonal Railway Divisions are advised to resume the operation of trains in a phased manner keeping in view the local situation, ticket demand situation and COVID cases in the region.

The Railways had suspended the operation of many trains amid the second wave of COVID in India.