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Uttar Pradesh / Ayodhya : Party workers welcoming Ramroop Kori on being made District President of Samajwadi Scheduled Caste Cell

Welcomed by workers

With the consent of Samajwadi Party National President Akhilesh Yadav, State President Samajwadi Party Naresh Uttam Patel has appointed Ram Roop Kori, District President of Samajwadi Scheduled Castes Cell, on his appointment, SP District President Ganga Singh Yadav thanked the state leadership. He has expressed and said that the appointment of Ram Roop Kori, District President of the Scheduled Castes Cell in the coming 2022 assembly elections, will pave the way for victory. Mr. Yadav said that the people are completely bored with the present BJP government and are waiting for the assembly elections. In the assembly elections, the government is set to be formed under the leadership of former chief minister Akhilesh Yadav, the national president of SP. In the reception program organized at the party office Gulab Bari, Mr. Yadav expressed his views and he said that the SP workers should start preparing for the assembly elections from now so that the state can move forward on the path of development. SP District Spokesperson Chaudhary Balram Yadav said that the appointment of the District President of the Scheduled Caste Cell, Ram Roop Kori, has been done on the instructions of the state leadership. Today, workers at the party office welcomed him by garlanding him. On this occasion, senior leader Chhote Lal Yadav, spokesperson Chaudhary Balram Yadav, former district panchayat member Sahab Lal Yadav, general secretary of teacher’s assembly Dr. Ghanshyam Yadav, Arjun Yadav, Dudhnath Yadav, Rakesh Kumar, Jagannath Yadav, etc. were present.