More than 60 percent of Japanese companies are against organizing the Tokyo Olympic Games

According to an online survey conducted by Tokyo Shoko Research, more than 60 percent of Japanese companies are against holding the Olympic Games in Tokyo.
More than 60 percent of the companies surveyed across Japan from June 1 to 9 said they believed the event could put pressure on Japan’s general health system by diverting medical workers’ attention to the event. are against. 34.7 per cent of those surveyed were in favor of canceling the Games, while 29.3 per cent said they want the Games to be postponed. And more than 76 per cent of the firms said that they are against organizing the Games at this stage. The reason for this is the low vaccination rate in the country. 75.7 percent of the people also said that the corona epidemic situation in the country could worsen with the arrival of foreign athletes and Olympic Games staff.
On the other hand, 58.8 percent believed that canceling or postponing the Games would have a major negative impact on business, while 41.2 percent disagreed. Despite over 60 per cent of the companies disagreeing with the Olympic Games being held, 36 per cent of those surveyed said they want the event to take place as scheduled.
It is noteworthy that the organizing committee of the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo on Friday decided to limit the number of officials accompanying foreign athletes to 41,000, which is a third of the initial number. The Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo were earlier to be held in 2020, but were postponed by a year due to the outbreak of the Corona epidemic last year. Now it is to be held from 23 July to 8 August. The Games will be held without foreign spectators, while a decision on domestic spectators is expected this month.