Prime Minister launches M-Yoga App on 7th International Day of Yoga 2021

The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi launched ‘WHO M-Yoga’ App while addressing on the occasion of 7thInternational Day of Yoga. M-Yoga app will provide many videos of Yoga training and practice based on common Yoga protocol in many languages. Terming this as a great example of fusion of modern technology and ancient science, the Prime Minister expressed the hope that M-Yoga app will help in spreading Yoga world over and will contribute to the efforts of ‘One World,One Health’.
The Prime Minister said:
“When India proposed the International Day of Yoga in the United Nations, the spirit behind it was to make this Yoga science accessible to the entire world. Today, India has taken another important step in this direction along with the United Nations and WHO.
Now the world is going to get the power of the m-Yoga app. In this app, many videos of Yoga training will be available in different languages of the world based on the common Yogaprotocol. It is also a great example of the fusion of modern technology and ancient science. I am sure the m-Yoga app will play a big role in expanding Yoga across the globe and making the efforts of One World, One Health a success.”
This mobile app will be immensely helpful in the promotion of Yoga and wellness among people around the world, especially during the ongoing pandemic. It will play an instrumental role in re-rehabilitation of the health of the Covid patients who have recovered from Covid-19, the Prime Minister said.
The Ministry of AYUSH and the World Health Organization (WHO) had jointly undertaken a project in mid 2019, focussingon mobile-Yoga. It envisaged the concept of the ‘Be Healthy, Be Mobile’ (BHBM) under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to achieve Universal Health Coverage by 2030. Be Healthy, Be Mobile (BHBM) initiative is a global partnership led by WHO which supports the scale up of mobile health (m-Health) technology within the scope of the National Health system to combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
In order to achieve the above objectives, a memorandum of understanding was signed in July, 2019 between WHO and the Ministry of AYUSH. The m-Yoga project focused on four areas:
(1) Common Yoga Protocol for GeneralWellness;
(2) Yoga for mental health and resilience;
(3) Yoga for Adolescents; and
(4) Yoga for pre – Diabetics.
Building upon this, a requisite handbook and mobile applications were to be developed by Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY) in consultation with the WHO technology partners. The work on the handbook is in the final stages and the currently launched app is available in two of the six official languages of the UN i.e English and Hindi. In this work, Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY) played a pivotal role to facilitate preparation of Common Yoga Protocol for General Wellness of various duration(45 minutes, 20 minutes and 10 minutes), Common Yoga Protocol booklets, video shoots, their translations in 6 major UN languages and designs of the booklets under the directives of Ministry of AYUSH, GOI.
Yoga is a ray of hope in times of crisis: PM
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said that Yoga remains a ray of hope in front of the whole world in the fight against Corona pandemic and the mantra from Yoga to Cooperation will show the way to a new future, empowering humanity. In his address on the occasion of the seventh International Day of Yoga on Monday, Modi said, “Today, when the whole world is fighting the corona pandemic, yoga also remains a ray of hope.” For two years, there may not have been major public events in countries around the world and in India, but the enthusiasm for Yoga Day has not diminished in the slightest.
Referring to the Bhagavad Gita, Modi said, “It has been said in the Gita that separation from sorrows, liberation is called yoga. We have to carry forward this yogic journey of humanity which takes everyone along. No matter what the place, whatever the situation, whatever the age, for everyone, yoga definitely has some solution.
He said, in the world today, the number of people who are curious about yoga is increasing a lot. The number of yoga establishments in the country and abroad is also increasing. In such a situation, the basic philosophy of yoga, which is the basic principle, while maintaining it, yoga should reach people, reach continuously and reach continuously, this work is necessary. And this work should be done by the people associated with yoga, the masters of yoga, yoga preachers together. We ourselves have to take the resolution of yoga, and we have to connect our loved ones with this resolution. This mantra from yoga to cooperation will show us the way to a new future, will empower humanity.
Modi said that our sages and sages had given this definition of ‘samtvam yoga uchyate’ for yoga. He had made self-control, being equal in happiness and sorrow, in a way, the parameter of yoga. Today in this global tragedy, Yoga has proved it. In these one and a half years of Corona, how many countries including India have faced a big crisis.
For most of the countries of the world, Yoga Day is not their age-old cultural festival. In this difficult time, people in so much trouble could easily forget it, ignore it. But on the contrary, the enthusiasm of yoga has increased among the people, the love for yoga has increased. In the last one and a half years, lakhs of new yoga seekers have been created in every corner of the world. The first synonym of yoga, which has been said to be restraint and discipline, everyone is also trying to implement it in their life.
The Prime Minister said that when the invisible virus of Corona had knocked in the world, then no country was prepared for it, by means, by strength and in mental state. Everyone has seen that in such difficult times, Yoga became a great medium of self-confidence. Yoga increased the belief in people that we can fight this disease. He said, when I talk to the doctors, from the frontline warriors, they tell me that, in the fight against Corona, they also made yoga their protective shield. Doctors also strengthened themselves with yoga, and also used it to help their patients recover quickly. Today, many such pictures come from hospitals where doctors, nurses are teaching yoga to patients, while patients are sharing their experiences. The experts of the world are telling themselves how much strength our respiratory system gets from exercises like pranayama, anulom-vilom.
Quoting the great Tamil saint Sri Thiruvallavar, he said, “If there is a disease, diagnose it, go to its root, find out what is the cause of the disease, and then ensure its treatment.” This is the way yoga looks. Today medical science also lays equal emphasis on healing as well as treatment and yoga is beneficial in the healing process. I am satisfied that today many types of scientific research are being done by experts from all over the world on this aspect of yoga. are.
The Prime Minister said, in the Corona era, many studies are being done on the benefits of yoga to our body, on the positive effects it has on our immunity. Nowadays we see that in many schools, in the beginning of online classes, children are being taught Yoga-Pranayama for 10-15 minutes. It is also preparing the children physically to compete with Corona.
Modi said that the sages of the country have taught us that through yoga-exercise we get good health, we get strength, and we get a long happy life. For us health is the greatest destiny, and good health is the means of all success. The sages of India, whenever India has spoken of health, it has not meant only physical health. That is why so much emphasis is placed on mental health along with physical health in yoga. When we do pranayama, meditate, do other yogic activities, we experience our inner-consciousness. Through yoga, we feel that our thought power, our inner power is so much that no problem of the world, no negativity can break us. Yoga shows us the path from stress to strength, from negativity to creativity. Yoga takes us from depression to ecstasy and from ecstasy to prasad.
Modi said that when India proposed the International Day of Yoga in the United Nations, it was the spirit behind it that this science of yoga should be accessible to the whole world. Today, India has taken another important step in this direction in collaboration with the United Nations and the World Health Organization. He said, now the world is going to get the power of M-Yoga App. Common y in this app