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Uttar Pradesh / Lucknow : Yoga is a science that makes a person mentally, physically and emotionally strong: Arun Singh Gappu


Yoga practice in BKT Nagar Panchayat premises
Every fortnight city panchayat employees will get yoga training

BKT : Nagar Panchayat BKT Chairman Arun Singh ‘Gappu’ organized a “Free Yoga Camp” on 21st June on the seventh world yoga day. In this yoga instructor Nagendra Bahadur Singh Chauhan made people practice yoga. The yoga camp was completed between 6.30 am to 8.00 am on the banks of the historical pond. In this, all the officers, employees and local citizens of Nagar Panchayat Bakshi Ka Talab took part. On this occasion, Chairman Arun Singh Gappu said that Yoga is the gift of India, there is no doubt about it. Yoga is such a boon, which, if imbibed in life, makes a person healthy and fills with positive energy. Yoga is such a science, which makes a person mentally, physically and emotionally strong. Yoga is a panacea to reduce stress and anxiety in the modern era. He also told that the saying ‘Do Yoga Raho Nirog’ is not just a slogan but it is also true in many ways. He also told that Nagar Panchayat The officers and employees of the government have served the public by becoming angels during the Corona period. Therefore, it is very important for all the employees of the Nagar Panchayat to remain healthy and happy. For this, they will be given in-depth knowledge of Yoga Pranayama. Therefore a yoga camp will be organized every fortnight. Yoga guru Nagendra Bahadur Singh Chauhan will make everyone practice yoga in it.