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Uttarakhand / Haridwar : Corona epidemic will end soon due to the effect of Yagya: Swami Ayodhyaacharya Maharaj

The corona destruction Mahayagya, being organized at the Shripanch Nirmohi Ani Akhara, located at Bairagi Camp, ended on Thursday to end the global epidemic corona from the country and the world. Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Swami Ayodhyaacharya Maharaj, on the completion of the Mahayagya that lasted for a month, said that due to the effect of the Yagya organized for the establishment of religion in the country and the end of the corona epidemic, there will be positive promotion of religion among the general public and the whole world will get rid of the corona epidemic. . He appealed to all Sanatan Dharma lovers to pray for world welfare by performing religious rituals in their homes to end the epidemic. In this crisis, while showing humanity, help the victims and the needy as much as possible. President of All India Shripanch Nirmohi Ani Akhara, Shri Mahant Rajendradas Maharaj said that whenever the country and the society had to face any calamity. Sant Samaj has come forward and helped the victims. With the effect of Yagya, the outbreak of epidemic from the whole world will end. The sacred smoke emanating from the yagya makes the cover wherever. The whole atmosphere there becomes sattvik and devotional. He said that due to unnecessarily tampering with nature, human world is facing the wrath of disasters and epidemics. Therefore, by sacrificing western culture and adopting a sattvik life, conserve nature. Swami Rishiswaranand Maharaj, Param President of Chetan Jyoti Ashram said that the direction and condition of the country changes due to religious rituals performed in the presence of saints. All odd situations come to an end. In Sanatan Dharma, there is a scientific tradition of increasing worldly happiness and prosperity through Yagya. Every person must organize a yagya in the presence of saints to overcome the crisis that has come upon the country, the world and the society in the form of corona epidemic. With the effect of Yagya, the country and the world will get freedom from the epidemic as soon as possible and there will be prosperity in the world. Saints like Mahant Ramji Das, Baba Hathayogi, Mahant Durgadas, Mahant Vishnudas, Mahant Prahlad Das, Mahant Bihari Sharan, Mahant Narayan Das Patwari, Mahant Suraj Das, Mahant Sumit Das, Mahant Ankit Sharan, Sant Sevak Das etc. Social workers Gaurav Goyal, Meghna Goyal and Omkar Jain welcomed all the saints who came in the program by wearing flowers.