Fearing Corona, mother put 5-year-old daughter to death

A 36-year-old Indian woman murdered her five-year-old daughter at her home in Britain. The mother has confessed her crime. The woman says that she did this because the fear of dying of corona had developed in her and thought that her little girl could not live without her. Sudha Sivanatham stabbed her daughter Sayagy to death 15 times in the bedroom of her south London flat on June 30 last year. After this she also seriously injured herself. The report said that her husband said that she was scared of getting infected with the virus and that she may be feeling lonely due to the lockdown restrictions and she Don’t know any way. Shivanatham, who appeared in the Old Bailey on Thursday, confessed to the crime. He will be kept in the hospital indefinitely.
Sivanatham, who has been living in the UK since 2006 after marriage, complained of mysterious ailments about a year before the pandemic. Prosecutors said she was seriously ill and was convinced she was going to die. On the day of the attack, she urged her husband not to go to work and called up friends to inform that he was unwell. When neighbors went to the Monarch Parade flat in Mitchum at around 4 pm, they found Sivanatham injured. There were multiple blows in the neck, chest and abdomen of Sayagyi lying on the bed. Sudha was taken to a hospital, where she underwent treatment for over two months before she was released from police custody. He was sent to the hospital for treatment under sections 37 and 41 of the Mental Health Act.