The northern Limit of southwest monsoon (NLM) continues to pass through, Barmer,Bhilwara,Dholpur, Aligarh,Meerut, Ambala and Amritsar

According to the National Weather Forecasting Centre of the India Meteorological Department:
(Saturday26June2021, Time of Issue:1615hoursIST)
Based on 1430 hours IST Observations
- The northern Limit of southwest monsoon (NLM) continues to pass through Lat. 26°N / Long. 70°E, Barmer, Bhilwara, Dholpur, Aligarh, Meerut, Ambala and Amritsar.
- Prevailing meteorological conditions, large scale atmospheric features and the forecast wind pattern by dynamical models suggest that no favourable conditions are likely to develop for further advance of southwest monsoon into remaining parts of Rajasthan, west Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Chandigarh &Delhi and Punjab during next 7days.
- The trough at mean sea level from East Uttar Pradesh to north west Bay of West Bengal persists.
Bengal across Jharkhand and Gangetic
- The cyclonic circulation over Jharkhand & neighbourhood extending up to 3.1 km above mean sea level persists.
- The other cyclonic circulation over south Odisha & neighbourhood between 0.9 km & 2.1 km above mean sea level persists.
- The cyclonic circulation over Northwest Rajasthan & neighbourhood extending up to 2.1 km above mean sea level persists.
- The cyclonic circulation over Northeast Rajasthan & neighbourhood at 0.9 km above mean sea level persists.
- ThecycloniccirculationoversouthwestRajasthan&neighbourhoodat5.8kmabovemeansealevelpersists.
- The cyclonic circulation over south Gujarat region & neighbourhood between 2.1 km & 3.1 km above mean sea levelpersists.
- Thecycloniccirculationoverwest centralArabianSeaoffsouthOmancoastbetween3.1km&5.8kmabovemeansealevel persists.
- TheWesternDisturbanceasatroughinmid&uppertroposphericwesterlieswithitsaxisat5.8kmabovemeansealevelroughly along Long.71°Eto the north of Lat. 28°Npersists.
Heavy to Very Heavy Rainfall very likely at isolated places over Bihar,Assam & Meghalaya today
Thunderstorm with lightning & gusty winds very likely at isolated places over Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh, Muzaffarabad, Uttarakhand, Punjab,Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, East Rajasthan, Andaman & Nicobar Islands today
According to the National Weather Forecasting Centre of the India Meteorological Department:
Saturday 26June2021 Time of Issue:1615 hours IST
All India Impact Based Weather Warning Bulletin(EVENING)
26 June (Day 1): ♦ Heavy to Very Heavy Rainfall very likely at isolated places over Bihar andAssam & Meghalaya; Heavy Rainfall at isolated places over East Uttar Pradesh, southeastRajasthan, Jharkhand, West Bengal & Sikkim, Odisha, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Chhattisgarh,Tamilnadu,Puducherry&Karaikaland Coastal AndhraPradesh &Yanam.
- Thunderstorm with lightning & gusty winds (speed 30-40 kmph) very likely at isolatedplaces over Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Gilgit-Baltistan & Muzaffarabad, Uttarakhand, Punjab,Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi, East Rajasthan and Andaman & Nicobar Islands and with lightningat isolated places over Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal & Sikkim, Odisha, ArunachalPradesh, Assam &Meghalaya, Nagaland,Manipur,Mizoram&Tripura,Madhya
Pradesh, Vidarbha, Chhattisgarh, Tamilnadu, Puducherry & Karaikal, North Interior Karnataka,Telangana and Coastal Andhra Pradesh & Yanam. Thunderstorm/Duststorm with gusty winds(speed30-40kmph) verylikelyatisolatedplacesoverWestRajasthan.
- Strong Winds (speed 40-50 kmph gusting to 60 kmph) very likely over Southwest,West central and North Arabian Sea.Fishermen are advised not to venture in to the seareas.