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Uttarakhand / Haridwar : Municipal Corporation Employees United Front demonstrated by playing a plate

When no action was taken on the long pending demands of the employees, the Municipal Corporation Employees United Front protested by playing a plate. The Municipal Corporation Employees United Front had given a memorandum to the Mayor and Municipal Commissioner three days ago and warned of a phased agitation, giving 3 days’ time due to no concrete action on the memorandum given in the year 2020 and the conclusion reached in the talks on it. . Starting the movement on Saturday, in the first phase, United Front leaders demonstrated by playing a plate from the union office to the Municipal Commissioner’s office. Addressing the gathering at the Municipal Commissioner’s office, Morcha leaders Surendra Teshwar, Rajendra Shramik, Atmaram Beniwal, Sunil Rajour, Dinesh Lakheda, Praveen Teshwar said that in the first phase of the agitation, an attempt has been made to awaken the sleeping corporation administration by playing a plate. . Surendra Teshwar said that the agreement reached in the talks with the corporation administration on the pending demands of the employees in the past. be implemented. Contract system should be abolished and contract employees working for years should be regularized. If the problems are not resolved at the earliest, the agitation will be intensified. Surendra Teshwar and Rajendra Shramik told that after the demonstration, the Municipal Commissioner, during the talks with the front leaders, the Municipal Commissioner has assured to order the resolution of the problems to be solved at the local level and send a reminder to solve the problems of the government level. . After the assurance of the Municipal Commissioner, it has been decided to postpone the agitation for some time. Inder Singh Rawat, Ashok Dhingan, Akhilesh Sharma, Sudhakar Bhatt, Dinesh Kandpal, Path Prakash Karamchari Pramod Kumar, Neeraj Bagri, Abhinav, Ashok Mama, Ashok Havaldar, Salekchand, Laxmichand, Rajesh Khanna, Subhash Khairwal, Kushal Pal, Balram Chutela , Ajay Kumar, Ghanshyam, Soni, Kuldeep, Deepak, Lokesh Chutela, Bunty Chanchal, Rajesh Khairwal, Satish, Govardhan, Motiram, Kajal, Lokesh Chanchal, Pramod Birla etc participated.