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Uttarakhand / Haridwar : Presented the book ‘Yes I am disputed’ to the DGP

Advocate Arvind Srivastava presented a book written by him ‘Yes Main Vividh Hoon’ to Uttarakhand DGP Ashok Kumar. Advocate Arvind Srivastava, who came to meet the DGP at Police Headquarters Dehradun, presented him the book. Appreciating the book, DGP Ashok Kumar said that the book ‘Ya Main Vividh Hoon’ is very well prepared. In this, such laws of the country have been discussed. Which has been controversial in some way or the other. Information about such laws is also given in the book. They are often suspected of being misused. Advocate Arvind Srivastava said that due to the corona epidemic, no program related to the book could be organized. The book will be successful in making people aware. That’s what they believe. Young generation should take interest in reading books. Books are the most powerful medium of knowledge acquisition. The importance of books in acquiring knowledge can never be underestimated.