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Goyal reviews important infrastructure projects under Project Monitoring Group

Minister of Commerce & Industry, Railways and Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Piyush Goyal reviewed 20 large scale infrastructure projects. He chaired this review meeting and during this discussion with the Project Monitoring Group (PMG) to resolve the issues related to these projects. The meeting was called on 29 June. Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Som Prakash, Secretary, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Chief Secretaries of Bihar,

Haryana and Tamil Nadu and Under Chief Secretary (Industry) Maharashtra participated in the meeting through video-conferencing. Rail in meeting; petroleum and natural gas; road traffic and highways; Top officials from key ministries like environment and climate change also participated and discussed the progress of these important projects and the hurdles in their timely completion.

Commerce and Industry Minister reviewed 59 issues related to 20 important infrastructure projects. It is worth mentioning that these projects are expected to invest around Rs 2.7 lakh crore. These included 11 projects, which have already been reviewed by the Prime Minister under Pragati.

Goyal gave necessary instructions and he also fixed the time-limit for disposal of issues related to timely commissioning of projects at the earliest. He also said that there should be regular multi-level monitoring of all those infrastructure projects, which are important for the country’s economic progress and employment generation.