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Uttarakhand / Haridwar : Yoga provides healthy life: Prof. Trilokchand

Yoga expert Professor Trilokchand said that at present the whole world is suffering from corona epidemic. India is also no exception to this. Corona epidemic can be prevented by regular practice of yoga and pranayama. Professor Trilokchand, who was the head of the Department of Philosophy in Gurukul Kangri University, while talking to reporters in the press club said that doing pranayama greatly increases the vitality and immunity of a person. Due to lack of oxygen in the second wave of corona, the patients had to face a lot of problems. Pranayama is also helpful in increasing the level of oxygen in the body. Maharishi Patanjali has mentioned many types of Pranayama in Yog Darshan. If pranayama is practiced regularly in the natural environment under the supervision of a specialist, then keeping the oxygen level normal and healthy life can be found. He said that due to the neglect of nature and the natural imbalance created due to the cutting of trees, human beings are facing many types of diseases. Trees are of utmost importance for a happy and healthy life. Therefore everyone should plant more and more trees and protect them. If there are trees on earth, then there will be life too. So protect the trees. Help to establish natural balance. It is worth mentioning that Professor Trilokchand, who was posted in the Department of Philosophy in Gurukul Kangri University, was also the Director of the Yoga Center of the University. Along with promoting yoga in the country and abroad, he has developed the method of meditation through music.