Uttarakhand / Roorkee : The people of the area demonstrated for the demand of home tax apology

The people of the old tehsil area of Roorkee demonstrated for the demand of waiving the tax of residential and commercial buildings. The people demonstrating under the leadership of the regional councilor demanded a house tax waiver in view of the economic problems of the people due to corona infection. Due to the situation arising out of Corona infection and Kovid curfew, people are facing financial crisis. Municipal Corporation Roorkee is preparing to send bills for house tax and business tax for the year 2021-22. Bill preparation work is going on in the corporation. House tax and business tax bills will start coming from next month. In view of this, the councilor of the old tehsil ward of the Municipal Corporation, Nitin Tyagi, along with the residents of the area, demonstrated against the house tax. He demanded that the house tax for the year 2021-22 be waived off. Councilor Nitin Tyagi said that due to Corona this time too business has been badly affected. Businesses have come to a standstill due to Corona curfew. Many people have lost their jobs. People are suffering from financial crisis. In such a situation how will he be able to pay the house tax bills. Keeping in view the corona epidemic, the Municipal Corporation should waive the house tax on humanitarian grounds. He has demanded from the Municipal Corporation Mayor Gaurav Goyal and Municipal Commissioner Nupur Verma to waive the house tax. The councilor said that this proposal of home tax waiver will also be kept in the board meeting. On this occasion, Shrikant Sharma, Satish Kumar Dhiman, Manoj Khurana, Lalit Vats, Ajay Gupta, Rajiv, Manoj, Vinay Tyagi, Babita, Bhanu Verma, Mani Verma, Tushar, Vivek Kumar Dhiman, Nitin Mehra, Shubham, Arpit Verma, Gaurav, Ram Kumar Jain, Vivek Gupta, Bhanu Verma, Vinay Tyagi, Dimple etc. were present.