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According to a new study, there were about 50 lakh deaths in the country due to corona virus, former Chief Economic Adviser Arvind Subramaniam on this issue

According to a new study, there have been about 50 lakh deaths in the country due to corona virus. There have been lakhs of such deaths due to corona in India which were not recorded in the record. Arvind Subramaniam said that “we need to be very clear, we will never have a satisfactory answer to this. The health information system is not good, that’s our best guess – it could be a little less, it could be a little more. Such a high sero-prevalence, such a huge population, this (the number of deaths) is what we were expecting. We cannot measure deaths in India fairly.”

Noted economist Arvind Subramanian resigns as professor from Ashoka University

The former chief economic adviser said that “age-specific numbers come from international estimates. If you are infected then your chances of dying are higher in India. These are called all-cause overdose deaths which have become the standard way of measuring deaths during an epidemic. The only question here is how few are there. Trying to arrive at what actually happened.

He said that “Nowhere in this study did we say that the government is manipulating the data. There is a traditional weakness in our ability to do so. It’s just that our systems are not as good as they should be. We all need to know the full scale of the disaster to learn lessons and be prepared for the future.

Arvind Subramaniam said that “data is available for seven states and many cities with large figures of CRS deaths. 50 percent of India’s population lives in these seven states. The figures for most of the states are till May, the figures for June have not come yet. So, it is a continuous process.

He said that “studies in Uttar Pradesh show that the number of deaths in the first wave has been recorded better than in the second wave. In the second wave the numbers are extremely low. There is no substitute for good government data based on surveys. It needs to be done efficiently and quickly. One must have the will to find out the real numbers.

Subramaniam said that “no government or society has come forward to look good in this epidemic. All countries have made serious mistakes. To know what happened, the state governments should also conduct a serious survey. We need multiple sources.