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Uttarakhand / Haridwar : Guru guides his disciples through spiritual knowledge and education: Shri Mahant Himanand Saraswati


Shri Mahant Himanand Saraswati Maharaj, President of Shri Mahant Parmanand Saraswati Seva Ashram has said that Guru is the second form of God. Who paves the way for the welfare of a person by getting the soul of a person interviewed with the Supreme Soul. The welfare of every devout devotee who takes refuge in the Guru is definitely certain. Explaining the importance of Guru Shishya Parampara to the devotees at Bhupatwala Ashram, Shri Mahant Himanand Saraswati Maharaj said that Guru is the great man who guides his disciples through spiritual knowledge and education and makes his disciple great. Devotion and gratitude to the Guru is the duty of every disciple. Completing his work by following the path shown by the Guru shows the love of a true disciple for the Guru. He said that even in the scriptures, the Guru has been given a higher status than God. Because it is the Guru who shows us the way to reach God. That is why one should always respect the teachers. Brahmalin Shrimahant Paramanand Saraswati Maharaj was a divine great man. Who dedicated his life for the protection of Indian culture and Sanatan Dharma and always guided the society and gave the message of human service. Sant Samaj salutes such great men. Mahant Himaninand Saraswati Maharaj said that any person who has always helped us to move towards the right path. He is respected by all of us and is like a guru. With the grace of a Sadguru, it is possible to meet God. Nothing is possible without Guru’s grace. Guru is the storehouse of knowledge who takes his disciple from darkness to light. Without Guru, it is impossible to attain knowledge. Guru protects our life and makes us prosperous. Every person should respect their teachers and follow the path shown by them. The life of a disciple, who becomes the object of Guru’s grace, is always moving towards progress.