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Uttarakhannd / Bageshwar : PM Awas approved to 33 beneficiaries

Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Rural, under the aegis of the Rural Development Department, housing approval certificates were distributed to thirty three eligible beneficiaries in the Vikas Bhawan auditorium. Presiding, District Magistrate Vineet Kumar while congratulating the eligible beneficiaries on the approval of housing under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Rural said that every person dreams to have his own house, which is being fulfilled today. Under the scheme, a target of 750 has been set in the district for the year 2021-22, against which 598 houses of eligible persons have been approved. Told that in view of the corona infection in the program, only 33 beneficiaries have been called in the program. Said that due to any reason the eligible persons are left under this scheme, they will be benefitted from this scheme soon. He directed that by organizing workshops at the development block level, all the eligible persons should be provided necessary information to build houses. While congratulating the eligible persons and best wishes, District Panchayat President Basanti Dev said that special care should be taken for the strength and security of the house while doing the construction work of your approved houses with great care. Standards have been set, on the basis of that, action should be taken for construction of houses, for this he expected cooperation from the concerned officers in the construction of houses of eligible persons. On this occasion, Chief Development Officer DD Pant said that under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna Gramin, 598 eligible persons’ houses have been approved, for which first installment 60 thousand will be transferred to their account for housing construction. On this occasion, District level officers and beneficiaries including District Panchayat President Basati Dev, Block Head Bageshwar Pushpa Devi, Garud Hema Bisht participated in the program. District Development Officer KN Tiwari, Project Director Shilpi Pant etc. were present.