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Knocking of mini third wave in the country, many states including Himachal Pradesh raised the concern of the central government

Not only in Kerala but also in its neighboring states, the cases of corona are increasing for the last few days. In the last week, 13 states of the country have seen an increase in cases of corona infection. Tamil Nadu is the only state where there has been no change in the cases of infection.

The hill states of North India have also seen an increase in new cases between the week of July 26 and August 1 as compared to the previous week. In Himachal Pradesh this increase is 64 percent, which is the highest in the whole country. New cases here have increased from 670 to 1100 daily. In Uttarakhand also, new cases have increased by 61 percent. However, the cases here have increased from 272 to 437.

In Jammu and Kashmir also, the cases of corona have increased by 26 percent. In Delhi, where only 381 new cases were reported in a week, the infection has increased by 15 percent. 440 new cases have been registered in the capital last week. At the same time, in the neighboring state of Haryana, the cases of corona have increased by 2 percent.
However, if we look at the total number, the weekly increase in corona cases in Kerala is very high. Last week, there were 1.4 lakh new cases of corona in the state. More than 20 thousand new cases were registered here every day, due to which the total cases increased by 27 percent.