7,576 conveyance deeds and authorisation slips issued to the residents of Unauthorized Colonies in Delhi

PM-UDAY (Prime Mantri Unauthorized Colonies in Delhi Awas Adhikar Yojana) Scheme was launched by Government in October, 2019, to confer/ recognise the ownership or mortgage/ transfer rights to the residents of 1,731 Unauthorized Colonies in Delhi. The scheme allows registration of properties at nominal rates by recognising General Power of Attorney (GPA), Will, Agreement to Sell, Possession Letter and any other documents including documents evidencing payment of consideration held by residents of unauthorised colonies. So far 7,576 conveyance deeds and authorisation slips have been issued.
This information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Shri Kaushal Kishore, in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.