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National Mineral Development Corporation ( NMDC) Records Best Ever Q1 Performance since inception

National Mineral Development Corporation ( NMDC) , a public enterprise under Ministry of Steel  produced 8.91 million tonnes of iron and sold.


Q1(FY21) Q1(FY22) Up by %
Production (Million Tonnes) 6.61 8.91 35%
Sales (Million Tonnes) 6.28 9.45 51%
Turnover (Rs. in Crore) 1938 6512 236%
Profit Before Tax (Rs. in Crore) 759 4263 462%
Profit After Tax (Rs. in Crore) 533 3193 499%


9.45 million tonnes during Q1 FY22, achieving a growth of 35% over the corresponding quarter of the previous year and 51% in sales over the corresponding quarter of the previous year.

This excellent performance, achieved on the back of robust domestic demand and peaking of international iron ore prices, makes this the best Q1 for NMDC since the company’s inception.

At Rs 4,263 crore, Profit Before Tax (PBT) for the quarter registered a 462% growth against the Rs 759 crore achieved during Q1 of FY2021. Profit After Tax (PAT) at Rs 3,193 crore, saw a 499 % increase against the Rs 533 crore achieved during Q1 of 2021.  Turnover during this quarter grew 236% from Rs. 1,938 crore in Q1 2021 to Rs.6,512 crore in Q1 FY 2022.

Commenting on this performance, Shri Sumit Deb, CMD, NMDC said that  the Government’s determination to continue spending on infrastructure projects while we return to normalcy is extremely encouraging for NMDC.